This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

ACT Events Reports

Within the ACT project, we organised several different events. To capture the highlights, insights and contents of the different events, we produced summary reports, often also including the presentations:


Matching Events reports

In October 2020, we organised a series of events within the ACT project, the so-called Matching Events. The series of events comprised seven events: A plenary session on the GEP eligibility criterion for funding in Horizon Europe and two events on each of the ERA priorities (decision-making, gender dimension and careers). With around 40-65 participants in each session, from over 20 different countries, the Matching Events were met with great interest.
The different events and sessions had different topics and foci, ranging from GEPs as an eligibility criterion to national policy and institutional measures for gender balance in decision-making to gendered career consequences of Covid-19 to an introduction to gender dimension and a lot more.


Summary report plenary session

Summary report Matching Event Decision-Making    Summary report Matching Event Gender Dimension    Summary report Matching Event Careers


Synergy Conferences reports

The 1st ACT International Synergy Conference celebrated in Brussels on 25th February 2019 has been an opportunity to introduce the project to a wide international audience and find synergies between diverse stakeholders. Besides presenting the main concepts, tools and activities of ACT, the 1st Synergy Conference has included experiences of Communities of Practice (CoP) and fostered dialogue about the benefits and challenges of using CoPs for collaborative action to improve gender equality in the European Research Area. The event included interactive sessions and participatory activities oriented to get to know existing and potential members of the ACT Communities of Practice across Europe.

1st ACT International Synergy Conference - Programme, presentations & videos


The 2nd Synergy Conference reported on the contribution of the H2020 ACT project to advance gender equality in research and innovation in the EU. ACT created, developed and supported eight CoPs, as well as a different tools and resources to help and support the CoPs in operating at institutional, inter-institutional, and EU-wide levels, and keep advancing best practice for gender equality in R&I. We invited science and innovation leaders, decision-makers, researchers and practitioners ready to collaborate, co-create and co-produce gender equality in R&I.

2nd ACT International Synergy Conference - Programme, presentations & videos


Synthesis event report

As a last big event, we have organised the ACT Synthesis Event on September 30 th 2021. The aim of the event was to discuss four different topics in roundtable sessions and to present some of the ACT Highlights including the page on the ACT website with the same name. Besides providing a platform for exchange between the different CoPs and other interested stakeholders, it was another opportunity to present some ACT outcomes, especially those that have not been promoted so far.

Summary Report ACT Synthesis Event