This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Sister Projects

Baltic Gender Baltic Gender is an EU-funded project that brings together eight scientific institutions in five countries around the Baltic Sea to work on reducing gender inequalities in Marine Science and Technology.
CALIPER CALIPER is dedicated to support its partners (seven project Research Performing Organisations and two Research Funding Organisations)  to design and implement the Gender Equality Plans (GEPs) to influence structural changes that brings gender balance and a greater engagement of female researchers to STEM research and innovation field. 
CASPER The CASPER project examines the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality for Research Performing Organizations. The project runs for two years from January 2020 to December 2021"
CHANGE The main aim of CHANGE is to support research performing organisations (RPOs) to design and implement gender equality plans. This will be achieved by involving key actors, called Transfer Agents (TAs), within each organisation who will together with the core consortium partners transmit co-produced gender equality knowledge inside their institutions.


EQUAL4EUROPE is one of the EU’s founding values. It goals include the promotion of equal economic independence for women and men, closing the gender pay gap, advancing gender balance in decision-making, ending gender-based violence and promoting gender equality beyond the EU. The EU-funded EQUAL4EUROPE project focuses on the fields of art, humanities, medicine, social science, business and law (moving away from the fields of science, technology, engineering and math).
EQUAL-IST EQUAL-IST project aims at introducing structural changes in research organizations to enhance gender equality within ICT (Information and Communications Technology) institutions by creating a basis for increasing the share of Gender in IST research.
GE ACADEMY GE Academy is an Horizon 2020 project developing and implementing a high-quality capacity-building programme on gender equality in research, innovation and higher education.
GEARING ROLES In line with the call goals, GEARING-Roles targets the questioning and transformation of traditional gender roles at the micro, meso, and macro levels, with four main Objectives: Female career progression, Education and Research, Leadership and decision-making, Promotion of Gender Equality in Research Organisations and key stakeholders for the reinforcement of ERA.
GEECCO The "Gender Equality in Engeneering through Communication and Commitment" project adresses the underrepresentation of women that characterises the STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).
GENDERACTION GENDERACTION promotes GENDer equality in the ERA Community To Innovate policy implementatiON. Its aim is to create an innovative policy community to implement the gender priority in the ERA.
GENDER NET Plus Despite efforts to reduce fragmentation across the European Research Area, the European scientific system is still facing challenges in achieving gender equality and gender mainstreaming in research and innovation. In this context, and in line with ERA policy goals and national contexts, the GENDER-NET Plus ERA-NET Cofund was launched September 15, 2017 and will run until 2022.
GENDER-SMART Here we are !-) Gender-SMART is a community of seven European Research Performing Organizations (RPOs) and Research Funding Organizations (RFOs), operating in the broadly framed field of research in food, agricultural and life sciences, supported by two technical partners. Gender-SMART is financed by The European Commission and its field of concern is Gender in Science Management of Agriculture & lifesciences, including Research and Teaching, with extend to the context of development and the South.

LeTSGEPs (Leading Towards Sustainable Gender Equality Plans in research institutions) will support the design and implementation of Gender Equality Plans and Gender Budgeting in six different institutions and their countries. To design actions that will address gender bias in research performing organizations (RPOs), the project will form a network of partners with different levels of experience in Gender Equality Plans and Gender Budgeting: they will work together to design a common methodology to implement GEPs in their environment.
R&I PEERS The R&I PEERS project aims to create and validate pilot experiences that disrupt gender-biased approaches and unconscious rules which limit participation by and careers for women in Research and Innovation. The R&I PEERS project promotes a concept of gender equality that can best be expressed as “women and men enjoy the same status and have equal opportunity to realize their full human potential to contribute to political, economic, social and cultural development, and to benefit fully from the results.”
SUPERA The focus of the H2020 SUPERA project is on gender equality in scientific research because the research and higher education sector has peculiarities that require specific action to overcome the situation we call “gender gap”.


  The EU-funded TARGETED-MPI project will study gender inequality in B&M schools through the development and efficient performance of innovative gender equality plans (GEPs), focusing on the diverse academic cultures and socio-economic environments in Europe (Belgium, Greece, Sweden and the United Kingdom) and Lebanon. The project will apply action-based research and a transparent end-to-end stakeholder involvement strategy that is fundamental for the development of GEPs, to identify apparent and covert gender prejudices and obstacles in partner organisations.
TARGET TARGET will contribute to the advancement of gender equality in research and innovation by supporting a reflexive gender equality policy in seven Gender Equality Innovating Institutions in the Mediterranean basin – including research performing organisations; research funding organisations and a network of universities.