Organised by the the UNESCO Regional Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America, ACT Seed partner coordinating the Community of Practice LAC CoP, this webminar aims to share analysis and learnings about experiences in the institutionalisation of gender equality policies and plans, and its impact on curricular and pedagogical transformations in universities and research centres in Latin America. Representatives of institutions from Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico and Peru, which are part of the Community of Practice on Gender Equality Policies and Programmes in Universities and Research Centres in Latin America (LAC CoP), will be participating in the event. The Universitat Oberta de Catalunya -coordinator of this international initiative- will present the major advances in this subject at European institutions. This space for dialogue is aimed at strengthening ongoing actions and inspiring new strategies according to current and future contexts.
The webinar will take place over two days and will take into account the topics that were prioritised by the LAC CoP members:
First webminar: The processes of institutionalization of gender equality policies/programs in academic institutions. Date & time: 14 October 2020, 14h - 16h (GMT-3) Channel:
Keynote speakers: Ana Buquet - Universidad Autónoma de México Carmen Andrada - Universidad de Chile Florencia Rovetto - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina Patricia Ruiz Bravo - Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú
Closing session: Jörg Müller - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Spain / ACT Project Coordinator . Gloria Bonder - UNESCO Regional Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America - FLACSO Argentina. Coordinator of the Latin American Community of Practice (LAC CoP) |
Second webminar: The incorporation of the gender perspective in the training processes (curriculum, pedagogical practices). Date & time: 15 October 2020, 14h - 16h (GMT-3) Channel:
Keynote speakers: Noelia Carmona y Paola Cerutti - Universidad Nacional de Rio Negro, Argentina Ana Rosa Ruiz Fernández - Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica Luciano Fabbri - Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina
Closing session: Rachel Palmen - Senior reasearcher, Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3– UOC), Spain. Member of the ACT project. Gloria Bonder - UNESCO Regional Chair Women, Science and Technology in Latin America - FLACSO Argentina. Coordinator of the Latin American Community of Practice (LAC CoP) |
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The event language will be Spanish.