Alt+G - Alternative Infrastructure for Gender Equality

Seed Partner:
Znanstvenoraziskovalni Center Slovenske Akademije Znanosti In Umenosti (ZRC-SAZU), Slovenia
Short Description:
This Community of Practice will be consisting of persons from different academic institutions in Slovenia who are interested in implementing gender equality measures at their institutions.
Long Description:
The vision of the CoP is to build a community of representatives from different academic institutions in Slovenia who are interested in implementing gender equality measures at their institutions. Since no institution in Slovenia has a gender equality office and consequently gender equality officer, the CoP main focus will be on making an alternative institutional infrastructure for sharing knowledge, experiences and strategies for implementing gender equality measures at both institutional and national level.
Dr. Jovana Mihajlović Trbovc (CoP facilitator)
ZRC SAZU Novi trg 2,
1000 Ljubjana, Slovenia