FORGEN - Funding Organisations for Gender

Seed Partner:
Science Foundation Ireland (SFI), Ireland
Short Description:
Community of Practice aimed at Research Funding Organisations (RFOs) throughout the European Research Area, with some international participation. Science Foundation Ireland will act as lead partner, bringing together gender equality practitioners in RFOs to promote knowledge sharing.
Long Description:
This CoP's work will cover all three ERA priorities on gender equality that are relevant to a Research Funding Organisation: a) advancing the number of women in R&I and higher education; b) enhancing underrepresentation in decision-making processes; c) incorporating the gender dimension in research.
This work will follow on from the Science Europe Working Group on Gender & Diversity and continue to develop: (1) ways to remove bias from the review / evaluation processes, and (2) best practice in incorporating the gender dimension in research.
Rochelle Fritch
CoP Facilitator. Science Foundation Ireland (SFI)