GenBUDGET - Gender Budgeting in Research Organisations

The thematic focus of this new CoP is tackling gender biases in decision-making by the means of Gender Budgeting. The emphasis will be on the gendered managerial mechanisms through which organisations formulate budgets and allocation of resources.
Gender budgeting is a strategy to advance gender equality and efficiency of policy making. It acknowledges that financial decisions, procedures, and processes are not gender neutral or objective technical procedures, but political instruments with gendered implications and consequences. It aims to raise awareness of the different impact of policy and resource allocation and change mechanisms to improve gender biased outcomes.
Laufey Axelsdóttir (CoP facilitator)
Post-doctoral researcher in gender studies, University of Iceland (UoI)
Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir
Post-doctoral researcher in gender studies, University of Iceland (UoI)
Þorgerður Einarsdóttir
Professor in gender studies, University of Iceland (UoI)