This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Gender Equality Academy | Summer School - Gender Equality Plans and the challenge of intersectionality: from design to implementation, monitoring and evaluation

Registration is open!

WHY: The GE Academy Summer School in TU Dublin will provide participants from higher education and research institutions with advanced knowledge, approaches and tools for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs). Special attention will be paid to the need to look at the intersection of gender and other attributes/identities in delivering institutional change. The summer school will comprise a conference on Athena Swan (on day 1), followed by 8 sessions of 90-minutes each over the remaining 4 days. It will include seminars, workshops, roundtables and keynotes on the following topics:

  • Concepts of gender equality and institutional change in R&I
  • Key problems at stake
  • The six steps of a Gender Equality Plan
  • Participatory techniques
  • Main risks and common obstacles
  • Sustainability drivers
  • Integration of a gender dimension in research


The summer school is designed for experienced agents engaged in institutional change in research and innovation through GEP implementation. In particular, we welcome:

  • Gender Equality/Diversity/Equal Opportunity Officers and focal persons
  • Human Resources officers
  • Gender Equality Plan team leaders and members
  • Middle managers
  • Organisational change agents
  • Heads of institutes/departments

IMPORTANT NOTE: The maximum number of participants is 24. As seats are not unlimited, priority will be given to candidates corresponding to the target groups (please, check above "FOR WHOM") and those residing in the EU Member States and Associated countries. Following your registration, an e-mail of confirmation of participation will be sent. Thank you for your understanding.

DATE: 14 - 18 June 2021

Application deadline: 10 April 2021


GE Academy has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824585

Type of event: 
Training school
summer school, #eugenderequalitystrategy, gender, equality and diversity, plan, training, tools and methods, GEPs, high education, gender dimension in research