This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Seminar: Strategies to increase girls’ interest in STEM

GenTIC organizes the Seminar “Strategies to increase girls’ interest in STEM” taking place on 8 January 2019 in Barcelona.

The event, open to the academic community and the general public, will address the existing gender inequalities in STEM (these fields are highly associated with positions of power and decision-making). The implementation of interventions strongly linked to solid theories that could enable substantial and sustainable changes with regards to the promotion of equal opportunities between men and women in STEM (where women are highly underrepresented) will be also under discussion. 

The seminar will consist of two presentations by Janet Hyde (Professor of Psychology and Women’s Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison) and Milagros Sáinz (Director of the Gender & ICT research group at the UOC).

Janet Hyde’s presentation will focus on the reasons why women are underrepresented in STEM fields, reviewing six different hypotheses and considering the implications for the design of both policies and interventions to increase women’s presence in these fields.

Milagros Sáinz’s presentation will tackle the key elements of the research project GESTEMI, which aims at analyzing the effect of a series of interventions on how to improve and increase young girls’ interest in STEM subject areas and professions.

Type of event: 
girls in STEM, gender stereotypes