This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Webinar: Bias and Resistances: Exploring Challenges to Gender Equality in Leadership and Decision-Making

GE Academy team is delighted to announce this joint webinar with our sister project, Gearing Roles. The topic of this 75 minutes webinar is “Bias and Resistances: Exploring Challenges to Gender Equality in Leadership and Decision-Making”. Registration is now open!

This webinar aims at explaining and deepening the understanding of the role of gender bias in leadership and decision-making while exploring resistances to gender equality. Finally, strategies for tackling bias and resistances will be discussed. Read more, here.

Two keynote speakers:

  • Maxime Forest, Yellow Window, Gender Expert and Trainer, Research Associate and lecturer at Sciences Po Paris
    on “Why Gender Equality should matter to Meritocracy and Academic Excellence: tackling gender bias in decision-making and leadership”
  • Lucy Ferguson, Yellow Window, Trainer and Researcher in structural change for gender equality on “How do we address resistances to achieving gender equality in leadership and decision-making?”

Who is it for?

  • Gender Equality Plan team members / change agents
  • Equality officers
  • Decision-makers
  • Senior female leaders in higher education
  • Future female leaders in higher education

Participation is free of charge. We can accommodate a limited number of attendees, on a first come-first served basis (you will receive a confirmation e-mail). You may join our meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

  • Date: 30 April 2020
  • Time: 10.00-11.15 cest
Type of event: 
Training school
gender equality actions and promotion, gender bias, resistances, gender and leadership, decision-making