LifeSciCoP - Gender Equality in Life Sciences

The partners of the ACT – Life Science CoP will be European research centres and university departments with the focus on life sciences. The individual members should be professionals that are in a strategic position to change the culture of their institution (e.g. equality officer, chair of gender equality committee, training manager, HR officer, managing director, director)
Main objective: The main objective of the ACT – Life Science CoP will be to find practical solutions to change institutional culture towards Gender Equality. Members of the CoP will decide jointly on which specific problem, behaviour, practice, or process the CoP will focus on and develop the solution in a collaborative manner.
Action plan: ACT will support the CoP with a facilitator and limited financial means for a period of 2 years (May 2019 – April 2021). During that time, the CoP will meet several times face to face and through regular conference calls. Once assembled, the CoP will develop an action plan for scheduling and phasing the activities related to creating ideas, running trials at the partner institutions, and transforming the gained knowledge into institutional practice.
CoP facilitator, Scientific Project Manager, Fundació Centre de Regulació Genòmica (CRG)