The National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) is a public organization, founded in 1939, under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. As the largest fundamental research organization in Europe, CNRS carried out research in all fields of knowledge, through its ten institutes. CNRS’s long tradition of excellence is reinforced by its 20 Nobel laureates and 12 Fields Medal award winners. CNRS encourages collaboration between specialists from different disciplines in particular with the university, thus opening up new fields of enquiry to meet social and economic needs. CNRS has developed interdisciplinary programs which bring together various CNRS departments as well as other research institutions and industry. SND (Sciences, Normes, Décision) is a joint research centre of the University Paris-Sorbonne and the CNRS. The aim of SND is to bridge epistemology and philosophy of science with moral and political philosophy, with the ambition to address science in society issues from a philosophical point of view and to develop joint innovative interdisciplinary research projects.
Contact persons: Anne-Sophie Godfroy
3 Rue Michel Ange, 75016