This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Virtual ‘Matching-Events-Month’


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In October 2020, the virtual ACT Matching-Events-Month will take place (12th – 30th October) to bring together different people interested in and working on similar topics and towards similar goals.

Over three weeks in October we will be hosting six sessions dedicated to three ERA priorities – two sessions per topic, as follows: Decision-making on the 14th and 16th, Gender dimension on the 20th and 22nd and Careers on the 27th and 29th.

The Matching Events will provide a platform for exchange across the ACT Communities of Practice and other stakeholders. They also aim at ‘matching’ different actors, who are sharing their interest in different topics and domains.


The main aims of these events are:

  • Facilitating and boosting exchange and communication across CoPs
  • Scaling-up: Promoting and scaling-up the ACT-network of CoPs
  • Expanding inclusivity: Involvement of institutions interested in ACT


Each Matching Event will address different topics:

DECISIONS-MAKING WEEK with sessions on October 14th and 16th, 14:00-16:00 CET

  • Gender balance in decision-making, leadership positions and scientific gatekeepers: making visible, measures, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Gender competence in decision-making bodies and leadership, measures, monitoring and evaluation.
  • Gender budgeting for resource allocation in RPOs and integrating the gender dimension in evaluation for research funders


Wednesday October 14th  14:00-16:00  (CEST)

CoPs and Collaborative Action: Gender Equality in Decision-Making in R&I

Friday October 16th: 14:00-16:00 (CEST)

National Policy and Institutional Measures for Gender Balance in Decision-Making and Leadership Positions in R&I 

14:00 - 14:10:  Welcome and planning: Maria Caprile & Rachel Palmén


14:10 - 14:25:  GenBUDGET CoPs approach to gender budgeting and progress to date: Finnborg S. Steinþórsdóttir and Laufey Axelsdóttir


14:25 - 14:40 FORGEN: Research Funders CoP: Mitigating bias in the grant evaluation decision-making process:  Rochelle Fritch


14:40 - 14:55: Latin American CoP: Decision-making and institutional change: Gloria Bonder 


14:5515.05: Break


15:05 - 15:20 AKKA Programme Leadership in Lund University: Tomas Brage


15:20 - 15:50 Group work – where to go from here? Break out rooms facilitated by ACT consortium members


15:50 - 16:00 Maria Caprile & Rachel Palmén & Facilitators: Each breakout room reports back summary sentence.

14:00 - 14:10:  Welcome and planning: Maria Caprile & Rachel Palmén


14:10 - 14:25 National legislative and policy measures: Marcela Linkova:  Coauthor of the Report on the Implementation of Targets: Follow-Up on the 2018 Guidance Recommendations


14:25 - 14:40 Ireland: Promoting Gender Balance in DecisionMaking as part of a Comprehensive National Gender Equality Policy in Higher Education: Ross Woods


14:40 - 14:55 Changing Election Rules: Ghent University: Tine Brouckaert


14:5515:05: Break


15:05 - 15:20: Training for gender sensitive decision-making and leadership: Maria Lopez Belloso & Leire Gartzia


15:20 - 15:50 Group work – where to go from here? Break out rooms facilitated by ACT consortium members


15:50 - 16:00 Wrap-up and summary: Maria Caprile & Rachel Palmén & Facilitators Each breakout room reports back summary sentence.



    GENDER DIMENSION WEEK with sessions on October 20th and 22nd 15:00-17:00 CET

    • Why gender dimension adds value to research and education in the field of STEM
    • Meet an expert, get inspired: from one size fits all to an individualised approach
    • When and how: hands on with practical work. Becoming a gender champion to boost your science and education towards innovation


    Tuesday 20th October 15:00-17:00  (CEST)

    Gender dimension ERA priority Group

    Thursday 22nd October 15:00-17:00  (CEST)

    Gender dimension ERA priority Group

    15:00 – 15:50: Introduction on the Gender Dimension (EU perspective): Sabine Oertelt-Prigione (Radboud  UMC)

    14:5515.05: Break

    16:00 – 16:50: Sex & Gender with Reflections from the Italian Society of Medicine: Valeria Raparelli – Co-P.I. of GOING-FWD (Sapienza University)                               

    15:00 – 15:50: Sex Differences in Alzheimer’s Disease: what we know and what we do: Ivan Nalvarte (Karolinska Institutet)

    14:5515.05: Break

    16:00 – 16:50: Learning from Gender Champions – Elsevier Researcher’s Academy. How to integrate sex, gender, and intersectional analysis into research: Londa Schiebinger (Stanford University) & Prof. Cara Tannenbaum (Montreal University & IGH-CIHR)


    CAREERS WEEK with sessions on October 27th and 29th 14:00-16:00 CET

    • Covid-19 and gendered career consequences - compensating researchers (time, resources, adaption of criteria) and how is this different from "regular" family policies
    • The DORA declaration and evaluating researchers' CVs in selection, promotion, and funding - the pros and cons of a more qualitative, narrative approach
    • Tackling difficult topics in your institution (monitoring career progress, intersectionality, sexual harassment, tbd)


    To round off the month, there will be a joint (more casual and voluntary) session on October 29th 2020 (time tbd). Everyone is invited to join in with a drink, reflect on the events, connect with other participants and to just have a nice evening.




    Virtual event