Currently, my main work is teaching one course on Inclusion of Sex/Gender Perspective in Research and Innovation in diverse universities. Most of them in Spain, but also in Argentina and México. The course is aimed to PhD students and researchers in general. The course is focused on learning the limitations of mainstream (manstreaming) research and the added value of researching as feminists (Longino). It covers the inclusion of sex/gender perspective on diverse sciences from Social Sciences and Humanities, to Life Sciences, Technology and Environmental Sciences. The course is both in Spanish and in English. Before the end of the year it would be transformed in a book. At the moment, it is just on-line.
My other field of work is Teaching in Higher Education from a Sex/Gender Perspective. This is a field with scarce literature, which is beginning to be in the universities’ agenda.
The three together: research, teaching in HE and feminism are the core of my recent paper “Obstáculos para la igualdad de género en las universidades” (Obstacles to Gender Equality in Universities), that will be published soon. This is a paper prepared as a demand of the network of Spanish universities’ ombudsmen.
Besides these activities, that are my main work, I am part of an interdisciplinary team working as Advisory Committee on Gender and the Digital Society to the Spanish Ministry responsible for Digitalization and AI. We just published a document with our contribution to the national strategy towards a digital economy and a digital society. The document covers all areas relative to a digital society through the sex/gender lens. From education to work; from care to covid-19; from rural life to urbanism.
Relative to the digital field, I have a paper on press on my small research on gender bias in big data: “Hidden Gender Bias in Big Data as Revealed by Neural Networks: Man is to Woman as Work is to Mother?”, in REIS, 142: 41-78.