This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 788204.

Prof Mari Teigen

Mari Teigen is research professor at the Institute for Social Research in Oslo and head of CORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality and NORDICORE – Centre for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation. Her research engages with change and stability in gender relations, through analysis of gender equality policy; social elites, gender segregation in the labour market and in academia. Teigen is editor of the Norwegian Journal of Gender Research; co-editor of Comparative Social Research. She is member of the editorial boards of Nordic Journal of Working-Life Studies; the Norwegian Journal of Sociology and NORMA International Journal for Masculinity Studies. She is member of the National Publication Committee; board member of Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo; member of the board of BALANSE (Gender Balance in Senior Positions and Research Management), the Research Council of Norway.