STRATEGIES - Strategies for Sustainable Gender Equality

The aim of STRATEGIES is to reflect on strategies, ensuring sustainable gender equality policies, with a particular emphasis on Higher Education, Research and Innovation environments. We are interested in figuring out how to improve Gender Equality by design for various stakeholders opening up to research and academic staff, administrative staff and students. We pay specific attention to the cultural and institutional context of each institution, trying to figure out what can be better comprehended, learned and practiced at a personal as much as an institutional level. In addition to communities of practice theories and practices, our community features a bottom-up approach, seeking to engage in co-creation and co-design activities our Community members and the wider public. Extending the notion of sustainability, so that it goes beyond just sustaining specific projects and initiatives to reflect contemporary approaches around sustainability is at the heart of our preoccupations.
Anne-Sophie Godfroy-Strauss
Areti Damala