The second project meeting of ACT took place on 29th-30th October 2018 in Berlin. Hosted by Technical University of Berlin (TUB), the meeting counted with the presence of 33 representatives of the ACT consortium and members of the Advisory Board.
The current state of the project, work plan progresses and main achievements were reviewed during two days. Task leaders presented the draft versions of important specifications for the project development, such as the Conceptual Framework regarding the state of the art on gender equality in HE and R&I and on Communities of Practice (CoPs) approaches and practices, the Community Mapping questionnaire and recruitment of survey participants, the methodology and ethical guidelines for conducting fieldwork, and the technical infrastructure and contents of the ACT Knowledge Sharing Hub.
Participants also discussed in groups several criteria for the ACT CoPs configuration, and Advance HE (ECU) facilitated a workshop to make an overview of the current version of the ASSET survey.
The meeting concluded with the sharing of insights and comments about the upcoming ACT Synergy Conference, its outreach, programme goals and stakeholders to invite.